Archive | April, 2017

Writers Guild of Canada Awards

24 Apr


So this was pretty damn great. I won the Sondra Kelly Award – which is a cash prize given to a women mid-career, who needs some moola to finish a project.

I won with my half-hour comedy, Given Up – about my gong-show life with adoption. The cash not only gives me some breathing room to finish a new version – but it also allowed me to fly out my co-creator Gary Jones. So he could watch me thank him in person.

Yes. I’m up there in bare feet. If you’re curious, these are the sexy new shoes I bought that were trying to murder me after an hour of mingling.


Thanks so much to the WGC and the legacy of Sondra Kelly.

Girl’s Night Out – Barrie ON

14 Apr

Screen Shot 2017-05-05 at 1.46.03 AMIs there anything more fun that four wickedly hilarious women performing for a group of wickedly appreciative women? Yes. When there’s a guy on piano.

Thanks Jennine Proffeta, Karen Parker, Kevin J. Baker and our hilarious host Laurie Elliot.

I will never forget ‘Over-Sharon’ who pulled her entire skirt over her head while gyrating suggestively towards me.